2024 marks 90 years since Chester Zoo was made a conservation charity by its founder George Mottershead. Today, the jewel in Cheshire's tourism crown is known globally for its work tackling the global extinction crisis.

CEO Jamie Christon says: 'I’m incredibly proud to work for a place that’s as special as this. It’s a Cheshire institution that’s making a real difference for wildlife, habitats and people, at a global scale.

'As a not-for-profit, we simply couldn’t do what we do without the wonderful support we receive. To the millions of visitors and members who come through our gates every year – each visit contributing to our vital species-saving work – to all of the individuals and businesses who donate, to anyone who supports us in whatever way, be that big or small, we say thank you.

'Together, we’re making a difference. Together, we’re preventing extinction.'

*From conservation breeding breakthroughs and work to rescue endangered species here in Chester, to reintroductions in the wild.

*From education work to inspire, empower and train the conservationists of the future, to influencing policy and keeping the natural world at the top of the political agenda.

*From achieving scientific discovery to enabling change that’s helping humans and wildlife to thrive together in different parts of the world.

*From work to protect and restore habitats, to the positive contribution we’re making to public health and wellbeing, to the benefits we’re delivering to the local and regional economy.

Critically endangered Javan green magpie, one of the species Chester Zoo is protecting.   (Image: Chester Zoo)

Exclusive gala dinner will support the work of Chester Zoo's conservationists

To raise funds for its global conservation programmes, Chester Zoo will stage its inaugural gala dinner on September 12 for just 100 people. The evening will take guests on a guided adventure to see incredible endangered species and meet their passionate conservationists before dining at the new venue, The Square, located at the heart of the zoo.

Throughout the evening there will be fine dining by Hessian, entertainment from The Drum Café and a chance to learn more about the ground-breaking conservation work and its impact across the globe. Guests will have the opportunity to protect the future of these animals by supporting a silent auction, which will include exclusive access to the zoo itself, unique animal experiences and the chance to be one of the first to stay in the site's luxury hotel, The Reserve opening in 2025. For ticket information, contact gala@chesterzoo.org.