This month Holly Moore talks about why she loves tea, coffee and all that goes with it 

I recently whitened my teeth, which took two weeks. During that time I couldn’t have coffee, tea or matcha, and goodness I missed it! Not for the kick but for the ritual, the lingering coffee dates with friends, the excitement when I have a coffee with a twist. Having a flavoured matcha and writing my journal. 

Going to a coffee shop and ordering sparkling water just didn’t hit the spot. Before I gave it up if you’d asked me to choose coffee or wine I’d have said wine – but I am not so sure anymore. 

I love seeking out new coffee venues!I love seeking out new coffee venues! (Image: Holly Moore)

So why is coffee culture (and now matcha moments) so enriching for our soul? 

I love to find little coffee shops and cafes; I save things on TikTok and Instagram all the time. When travelling, we can't just find a coffee shop – I will have already found one on Instagram with no doubt a Biscoff-flavoured coffee with macadamia milk, a vegan whip and topping. 

When I have time I love to walk to a chosen coffee shop with my journal and clear my mind. It's just one of my favourite things to do. When I was little I always wanted a coffee shop. Who remembers Daphne from Neighbours? I always wanted to be her. 

Fast forward to 2018, when we opened our office’s House of Make in Wilmslow – we designed our own fake ‘Starbucks’ where the team hang out and we do our best with our little Nespresso machine. 

I get so much Vitamin Joy from my beverage of choice – iced or not – but here’s some psychology behind it. This month I delve into how these popular beverages can boost your mood, enhance cognitive function, and provide a moment of calm in a busy day. 

A moment of peace and a chance to refuel mind and bodyA moment of peace and a chance to refuel mind and body (Image: Holly Moore)

The mental health benefits of coffee, matcha, and bubble tea... 

In the quest for mental wellbeing, our beverage choices can play a surprisingly significant role. Iced coffee, the perfect flat white, a matcha, and even the teenagers’ choice of bubble tea are not only trendy drinks but also come with a variety of mental health benefits. 

Coffee: a boost for your brain 

Iced, Americano, cortado, with oat or dairy, however you take your caffeine, apart from the pure joy there are so many benefits:  

Increased alertness: caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, leading to increased alertness and concentration. This can help you stay focused and productive throughout the day. 

Mood improvement: moderate caffeine intake has been linked to improved mood and a reduced risk of depression. It enhances the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which are crucial for mood regulation. 

Antioxidant power: coffee is rich in antioxidants, which can protect brain cells from damage and support overall brain health. These antioxidants help reduce inflammation, which has been linked to depression and other mental health issues. 

Coffee has also gone from being a pick-me-up to an experience. There are as many coffee afficionados as wine, these days, just check YouTube. Top tip – don’t have caffeine after lunch as this affects your sleep. But we can still have the experience with a decaf variety. 

Matcha: the calm energiser 

Matcha is a finely ground green tea powder, celebrated for its unique combination of boosting alertness, but with a calm energy. Here’s how matcha benefits mental health: 

Sustained energy: unlike the quick jolt and subsequent crash from coffee, matcha provides a more sustained energy boost. This is due to the presence of L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes relaxation without drowsiness. 

Stress reduction: L-theanine also helps reduce stress and anxiety. It increases alpha waves in the brain, which are associated with a state of relaxed alertness. 

Enhanced focus: The combination of caffeine and L-theanine in matcha improves cognitive function, enhancing memory, attention, and overall mental clarity. This makes it an excellent choice for studying or working. 

At first people thought it tasted a bit grassy, but coffee shops are now adding fruity flavours and toppings, making these drinks fit for an Instagram feed. Matcha is even making its way to ice cream, energy balls and blondies. If you fancy making it at home, Whittards have some fantastic little starter tins – I love Matcha Salted Caramel and Matcha Coconut. 

Coffee stops are about more than simply a caffeine top upCoffee stops are about more than simply a caffeine top up (Image: Holly Moore)

Bubble tea: a sweet treat with benefits 

Many of you parents will be acutely aware of the Bubble tea trend. Also known as boba tea, it is a tea-based drink that includes chewy tapioca pearls. While often seen as an indulgence, it can offer mental health benefits when consumed mindfully: 

Mood Booster: the enjoyable experience of drinking bubble tea, with its sweet taste and unique texture, can boost your mood and provide a delightful break in your day. 

Social connection: bubble tea shops are popular social spots, and sharing a bubble tea with friends can enhance social bonds and provide emotional support. Social interaction is crucial for mental well-being. 

Customisation for health: many bubble tea shops now offer healthier options, such as reduced sugar levels, plant-based milks, and added ingredients like chia seeds or aloe vera, which can enhance the nutritional profile of your drink and contribute to overall well-being. 

Incorporating coffee, matcha, or bubble tea into your routine can offer various mental health benefits, from improved mood and focus to reduced stress and enhanced social connections. Next time you reach for your favourite drink, remember that it’s not just a treat—it’s also a way to support your mental health. Share your favourite beverage and how it helps you stay mentally balanced with us. Together, let’s enjoy the delicious journey to better mental well-being. 

Holly Moore is a Cheshire-based business owner, running three businesses in Wilmslow, founder of podcast Anything is Possible, and the annual personal development conference, Anything Is Possible Live. 

It doesn't have to be coffee, it's about so much moreIt doesn't have to be coffee, it's about so much more (Image: Holly Moore)