The Cotswolds is blessed with a host of public gardens and green spaces, from Hidcote to Highgrove and Rodmarton to Westonbirt. Now, one of our lesser-known horticultural gems is at the centre of the region’s first summer art, music and culture festival on a garden theme. One of the festival leaders, Chris Woodcock, tells us more

If you love nurturing, visiting or appreciating gardens, then an art and culture festival devised by an enterprising team in the South Cotswolds could be your pick of the crop this summer.

The first Everything in the Garden summer arts festival continues until the end of August.

Organised by five women prominent in the region's arts scene, the programme is an imaginative fusion of artistic, musical and historical celebrations of gardens and their ability to revive our spirits.

At the centre of the festival is the country's sole surviving ‘rococo’ garden – Painswick Rococo Garden, near Stroud. The garden team has partnered with my own art gallery, Spencer House Gallery, and The Goods Shed arts centre, both in Tetbury, as well as nearby arts organiser, Watch this Space Collective, and acclaimed landscape painter Angie Spencer, to create a diverse programme of events, free or ticketed.

So dig in here - and let us lead you down the garden path this summer...

A spot for plein air painting (Image: Courtesy of Everything in the Garden)


This Georgian horticultural marvel nestles in a hidden valley and boasts fantastic vistas, serpentine paths and rolling countryside as well as charming follies, like its striking Exedra arcade and Red House pavilion.

The garden was originally laid out in 1748 by Benjamin Hyett. He commissioned artist Thomas Robins to paint it. Inspired by this artwork, in 1984 the then owners of Painswick House, Lord and Lady Dickinson, embarked on the mammoth task of restoring the garden.

They've done a splendid job. Playful, flamboyant and exuberant are three words often used to describe the spirit of rococo art and design – and these attributes shine out at Painswick. Garden Coordinator, Caro Birtles, explains: “We cherish the lively spirit of the place and there's something new to see every month, as the seasons change. The summer brings blousy displays of heritage roses, together with perennials such as lavender, astrantia and campanula, leading into a crescendo of autumn colour.

“Our flourishing Kitchen Garden provides produce for the café and shop. Hops are brewed into beer, honey collected and fruit made into jams, chutneys, cordials and juice. Children can play in the maze, follow the trails and enjoy the rustic playground and dogs on short leads are welcome.”

For summer 2024, special events span wine tasting, jazz and opera to outdoor theatre and workshops, including wood carving and willow weaving.

• The Everything in the Garden festival was launched during this garden’s first plein air (outdoor) painting contest, organised by Niki Whitfield of Watch this Space Collective.

It was open to 100 artists whose entries were assessed by a trio of judges - award-winning artist and plein air specialist painter, Roger Dellar, professional artist and plein air expert painter, Jaynie Tricker, and myself, as owner of one of two Tetbury art spaces where winning entries will go on show from June.

Painswick Rococo Garden, Gloucester Road, Painswick, Stroud GL6 6TH Tel 01452 813204


Set up in 2019, WTS run artisan markets, events and workshops for all ages and abilities, partnering with talented and experienced artists and designer-makers. As well as their plein air art competitions, they have a host of maker workshops scheduled for this summer.

The busy programme is steered by Niki Whitfield who has been an arts project manager, producer and curator for nearly 20 years: “As an advocate for the visual arts and the ways in which artistic practice can have a positive effect on mental health and well-being, I'm always looking for ways to help people develop or simply have a go themselves.

“We're hoping the success of the first plein air contest at Painswick Rococo Garden will turn this into an annual event as the views and lay-out of the garden are such a wonderful gift for artists.”

Watch This Space @wtscollective Tel 07821 098171

Angie Spencer painting at Painswick Rococo GardenAngie Spencer painting at Painswick Rococo Garden (Image: Courtesy of Everything in the Garden)


Stroud-based Angie is known in the South Cotswolds for her water and landscape paintings. During her year as 'Artist in Residence' at Painswick Rococo Garden she has chosen views from quiet corners, with a particular fondness for its water features, her favourite subject.

If you've visited the Rococo Garden in the last year you may have come across her at work, with her old-style travel easel and oil paints. A selection of the resulting paintings will be exhibited at Spencer House Gallery in Tetbury as part of our summer exhibition, which will run from June 21 to August 24. Angie will be one of two Featured Artists in that show.

“Painting in the Rococo Garden has been a delight. Staff and volunteers have been so welcoming and the Garden itself is a painter’s paradise, full of serene beauty,” says Angie.

“My residency has also presented a few challenges – mainly that of painting in public. I got used to engaging with visitors at every stage of a painting’s development, from the first brush strokes. Being met with such resoundingly positive responses has been wonderful.”

In a second exhibition, partly coinciding with her Spencer House Gallery dates, the best of Angie's earlier work will go on show: Nature’s Garden, at The Goods Shed in Tetbury, will display a collection of her outdoor and studio oil paintings, all revelling in the beauty of the woods and rivers of Gloucestershire.


Spencer House Gallery, founded in 2022, enjoys its home in a refurbished late Georgian town house in the historic heart of Tetbury. We're committed to supporting regional emerging, early-career and established contemporary artists in many media.

With a garden focus already planned for summer 2024, I decided it would be an ideal opportunity to team up with other venues, artists and musicians to create a programme of themed attractions: I knew Angie was beavering away at Painswick, and creating lovely work, and we have a wealth of artistic and cultural talent on our doorstep, so the idea soon mushroomed.

In the gallery, Angie's colourful paintings of the many exotic and exuberant facets of Painswick Rococo Garden will hang alongside joyous large semi-abstract florals by fellow Featured Artist Wendi Weller and work by winners of the plein air contest, plus a range of other garden-themed work. Angie will also give two gallery talks on her Garden paintings later in the summer.

Spencer House Gallery, 34 Long Street, Tetbury GL8 8AQ Tel 07841 979273


Tetbury Goods Shed Arts Centre Tetbury Goods Shed Arts Centre (Image: Courtesy of Everything in the Garden)


The Shed, as it's affectionately known, stages a varied programme of events throughout the year, including music, theatre, cinema and entertainment for all ages.

Kathryn Limoi, general manager, says: “This Everything in the Garden initiative is particularly close to our vision to be an arts space of choice for everyone – a social and cultural community hub and Cotswolds centre of artistic excellence.

“It's a privilege to be part of this summer arts festival and to work with such esteemed partners and, as a result, we hope to welcome visitors old and new to The Shed to join in the fun.”

As well as Angie's Nature's Garden show, The Shed will host an evening of talk and music on a garden theme on Saturday 13 July. Painswick Rococo Garden director, Dominic Hamilton, will present a brief history of the garden, its rebirth and its design, interspersed by choral performances by popular Stroud-based a cappella sextet, the Every Other Monday Singers, who will perform an eclectic mix of flora-themed music, from early English madrigals to contemporary works.

Choir leader, Sarah Steele, adds: “Included in the programme – and premiered at the event – will be a work composed specially for the concert by our bass, Jonathan Trim, who conducts several South Cotswolds orchestras as well as singing and composing. We’ve also chosen two beautiful works by Saint-Saëns, a Swedish Psalm to Summer and a Croatian folk song.”


Spencer House Gallery Everything in the Garden

Selling exhibition – including the work of Painswick Rococo Garden artist in residence, Angie Spencer, and plein air competition winners’ work

Friday, June 21 – Saturday, August 24, open Thursday to Saturday, 10.30am-1pm and 2pm-5pm and Sunday 10.30am-2pm. Free entry

Private view – Friday, June 21, 6.30pm-8.30pm.

Tetbury Goods Shed Nature’s Garden

Selling exhibition – Angie Spencer and plein air competition Highly Commended work Wednesday, June 26 – Sunday, August 11 Open Wednesday – Sunday, 10am-4pm. Free entry

Tetbury Goods Shed Nature’s Garden

Meet the Artist – Angie Spencer on Saturday, June 29, 11am-3pm. Free entry

Tetbury Goods Shed Everything in the Garden

An illustrated journey through the history of Painswick Rococo Garden accompanied by an a cappella musical programme evoking Everything in the Garden, Saturday, July 13, 7.30pm. Booking required

Ticketsource box office: 0333 666 4466.

Spencer House Gallery - A Year in the Garden

Angie Spencer – artist in residence, Painswick Rococo Garden – presentation evening with refreshments on Thursday, July 25, 7pm-8.30pm. Booking required

Spencer House Gallery Everything in the Garden

Meet the Artist – Angie Spencer on Saturday, August 3, 2pm-5pm Free entry

(Image: Courtesy of Everything in the Garden)


The Shed, as it's affectionately known, stages a varied programme of events throughout the year, including music, theatre, cinema and entertainment for all ages.

Kathryn Limoi, general manager, says: “This Everything in the Garden initiative is particularly close to our vision to be an arts space of choice for everyone – a social and cultural community hub and Cotswolds centre of artistic excellence.

“It's a privilege to be part of this summer arts festival and to work with such esteemed partners and, as a result, we hope to welcome visitors old and new to The Shed to join in the fun.”

As well as Angie's Nature's Garden show, The Shed will host an evening of talk and music on a garden theme on Saturday 13 July. Painswick Rococo Garden director, Dominic Hamilton, will present a brief history of the garden, its rebirth and its design, interspersed by choral performances by popular Stroud-based a cappella sextet, the Every Other Monday Singers, who will perform an eclectic mix of flora-themed music, from early English madrigals to contemporary works.

Choir leader, Sarah Steele, adds: “Included in the programme – and premiered at the event – will be a work composed specially for the concert by our bass, Jonathan Trim, who conducts several South Cotswolds orchestras as well as singing and composing. We’ve also chosen two beautiful works by Saint-Saëns, a Swedish Psalm to Summer and a Croatian folk song.”


Spencer House Gallery Everything in the Garden

Selling exhibition – including the work of Painswick Rococo Garden artist in residence, Angie Spencer, and plein air competition winners’ work

Friday, June 21 – Saturday, August 24, open Thursday to Saturday, 10.30am-1pm and 2pm-5pm and Sunday 10.30am-2pm. Free entry

Private view – Friday, June 21, 6.30pm-8.30pm.

Tetbury Goods Shed Nature’s Garden

Selling exhibition – Angie Spencer and plein air competition Highly Commended work Wednesday, June 26 – Sunday, August 11 Open Wednesday – Sunday, 10am-4pm. Free entry

Tetbury Goods Shed Nature’s Garden

Meet the Artist – Angie Spencer on Saturday, June 29, 11am-3pm. Free entry

Tetbury Goods Shed Everything in the Garden

An illustrated journey through the history of Painswick Rococo Garden accompanied by an a cappella musical programme evoking Everything in the Garden, Saturday, July 13, 7.30pm. Booking required

Ticketsource box office: 0333 666 4466.

Spencer House Gallery - A Year in the Garden

Angie Spencer – artist in residence, Painswick Rococo Garden – presentation evening with refreshments on Thursday, July 25, 7pm-8.30pm. Booking required

Spencer House Gallery Everything in the Garden

Meet the Artist – Angie Spencer on Saturday, August 3, 2pm-5pm Free entry