A career in antiques has taken Cristian Beadman to London salerooms and Antiques Roadshow but he is resolute in his love for Devon – despite the rain

Tell us briefly about yourself and what you do in the county.

My work as an auctioneer and valuer of antiques and fine art takes me all over the South West, and often further afield. I started my career at Christie’s in London where I worked for 10 years, and have worked at other salerooms too, but my aim was always to get back to the magnificent county of my birth and childhood. The draw for Devonians to return seems to me to be unlike anything else anywhere else - it is unusual to hear someone rattling on about their yearning to get back to Cheshire. My current role as chairman and head of valuations at Bearnes Hampton & Littlewood in Exeter is never-endingly fascinating, mentally rewarding and often challenging. Bearnes in Torquay was the first saleroom I ever entered as a child with my parents. ‘DON’T TOUCH!’ I also work as an expert valuer on the BBC’s Antiques Roadshow and do very much enjoy the three or four filming days I get each year. I have been recognised in the street precisely once in 10 years.

Where in Devon do you live?

I currently live in the wonderfully undeveloped agricultural hills of East Devon, between Cullompton and Ottery. Having grown up in ‘the Bay’ with a focus very much on sailing and windsurfing, it is a dream for me to live the rural idyll. (Although I did leave the duck house door open last week - the fox kindly left us with one bird, Cinderella).

How long have you been here and what brought you here?

We moved down about three years ago so I could take up my new position, but I have been trying to manage my way back ever since I was pulled away, aged 13. My wife hails from the Surrey/Sussex/Hampshire borders and was more than happy to come along - her past is equestrian so she is highly suited to the area.

What's the best thing about living in Devon?

A glaring answer, I know, but the diversity of the landscapes is inordinately inspiring. Dartmoor itself can be anything from babbling brooks in densely treed combes, to stark high mires and freezing tempests. Then there are the sublime sandy beaches around Bantham (childhood cricket barbecues), the disconcerting but captivating Moonscape harshness of Hartland, the architectural survivals of poor ravaged Exeter. Devonshire is downright blessed.

And the worst?

The interminable, grindingly relentless rain, the rain, the rain, My God the rain...

What is your favourite Devon journey, by any mode of transport?

Probably the walk from Haytor, via Hound Tor, Jay’s Grave, Natsworthy and Grimspound to Warren House. In either direction, it ends at a first-rate and much-loved pub.

Describe your ideal day out in Devon

See above, complete with family.

What is your favourite view in the county?

From Haytor, most of the southern coast, from Exmouth to Plymouth. Breathtaking.

What is your favourite month to be in Devon?

Any month when it doesn’t rain every single day.

What gift from Devon would you give to a friend?

Anyone deserving of a present would be made to read Conan-Doyle’s Hound of the Baskervilles. The evocation of the moor is gift enough for anyone.

What three words best describe Devon?

Earthly paradise, rain.