Teignbridge possibly offers the most varied landscapes in Devon, encompassing east Dartmoor down to the coast at Teignmouth and along the borders of the River Exe to the outskirts of Exeter.

It has an eclectic mix of commercial and residential habitats interspersed with the rolling countryside synonymous with Devon. Carving a way through the centre is the A38 whilst the A380 and A30 weave through the south and north respectively affording the region connections to surrounding counties and beyond.

The hub is Newton Abbot, a civic centre with the first main line train station after Exeter. It’s the line that famously skirts the coast at Dawlish - an iconic view.

Equally important are the towns and villages throughout the region; there’s Teignmouth, then moving to the moor, Bovey Tracey, Ashburton, Moretonhampstead and Chagford – each a focus for their surrounding villages.

As expected, the properties also vary. Large tracts of Victorian homes developed as the train carved its way south, expanding Newton Abbot, whilst the moorland towns evolved rather more gently encompassing each age sympathetically. Yet again the 21st century has seen an explosion of development pro rata in every corner as government targets for new homes are dictated, ensuring continual national funding. Hopefully the core elements of all the localities, village and town, will be preserved, retaining the historic character whilst encompassing the modern world.

Homes are generational. Young people starting out, dictated by affordability and mortgages, often opt for a convenient modern home, minimising time spent looking after it in favour of getting out and about.

As families come along more space is required and time spent at home becomes more precious. This is when a home ‘with potential’ is often sought, one that can be improved over time as funds allow. On to the next larger home when funds are more readily available and eventually, as retirees, the dream can be realised - whether old, new or maybe a site to create a totally personal statement. Whilst that may sound simplistic, I recognise life’s 10 year plans that seem to forge our lives dictating the decisions we make.

In an ever changing world one wonders how future generations will find things. Whilst commodities, from houses and cars to food, are ever more expensive, so are income streams for younger people increasing pro rata. The expectations of a first home are relatively higher than those of the baby boom generation – and why not?

No matter the age and circumstances, home is both a personal and financial investment. ‘It’s all about coming home.’

Nigel Bishop is a property search consultant at Recoco. recoco.co.uk