Situated on the south side of the River Alre, New Alresford, commonly referred to as just Alresford (pronounced Allsford), is older than it sounds, dating to the 12th century. It was then that the Bishop of Winchester built a causeway (the Great Weir) over the river creating Old Alresford Pond. This was to link the original settlement of Old Alresford (today a quiet village to the north of the main town) with a new town, Novum Forum, which became New Alresford. The latter thrived as a prosperous wool town; a market being held in Broad Street (as it still is today). However, fires in the 17th century destroyed the original timber-framed houses, so much of the architecture seen today is Georgian.

Alresford is known as the UK’s capital of watercress farming, the springs of clear pure water providing ideal growing conditions, their constant temperature allowing year-round cultivation. Although watercress had always grown wild in the chalk streams around the town, it was the coming of the railway in the 1860s that turned it into a commercial industry, enabling quantities of locally grown watercress to be transported to London’s Covent Garden market. The line was closed in 1973, but re-opened as a heritage railway a few years later, initially from Alresford to Ropley, thereafter extended to Alton, a distance of 10 miles in total. Nicknamed the Watercress Line, today it is one of the most successful heritage railways in the country.

Alresford’s annual Watercress Festival takes place on the third Sunday of May each year, the town becoming the site of a huge street festival. 2024 marks the 20th anniversary of this popular festival.

Alresford is surrounded by some lovely countryside, with a good network of footpaths and bridleways. Around the town itself there is a short circuit called the Millennium Trail with display boards about the local history along the way, and a longer version, with an additional loop, called the Alre Valley Trail.

This walk follows the initial section along the picturesque riverside, thereafter heading northwards along a stretch of the Wayfarer’s Walk, a 70-mile long distance path that traverses Hampshire from north to south. A quiet lane leads down to Abbotstone, where the Wayfarer’s Walk is rejoined. The return leg over rolling downland leads to Old Alresford from where it’s an easy walk back to town.

St Mary's Church can be explored at point 7St Mary's Church can be explored at point 7 (Image: Fiona Barltrop)

The walk

1. (SU588325) From the car park walk down Station Road a short distance and, opposite the toilets on the left, take the diagonal path on the right leading into the churchyard, bearing left to the church. Continue along the path to the junction of East, West and Broad Streets. Carry on ahead down handsome Broad Street (a market is held here each Thursday). At the bottom where the road bears right, the walk keeps ahead down Mill Hill to the left. Continuing down the road (B3046) just a little further however (no pavement initially, so take care), leads to the Globe pub and a path on the right leading to Old Alresford Pond. Retrace steps and carry on down Mill Hill, then turn left into Ladywell Lane, which leads to the riverside walk. It is also part of the route of the Wayfarer’s Walk.

2. (SU588329) Walk down Ladywell Lane to Arle House at the end, continuing along the footpath which leads past the Memorial Garden on the left. The path carries on beside the River Alre on the right to the picturesque thatched timber framed Fulling Mill which spans the river. Dating from the 13th century, water-driven hammers were used to work raw cloth into a usable material. Carry on alongside the river to reach the end of The Dean (road). Turn right continuing along the footpath, soon passing a kissing gate on the left, Arlebury Park recreation ground beyond. A further stretch of riverside walking leads to the Eel House, a small brick building astride the river, built in the 1820s and recently restored. In the past eels were trapped here on moonless autumn nights when they undertook their once-in-a-lifetime journey to breed. The path continues on the other side of the river, gently rising. Bear left, cross a drive and keep ahead ignoring a right turn. On reaching the road bear left.

3. (SU573327) Very soon where the road curves left, turn right up the restricted byway, still following the Wayfarer’s Walk (also waymarked as the Watercress Way, a more recently created route). Continue to a junction of tracks and bear left to carry on along the Wayfarer’s Walk, steadily ascending.

Enjoy views above Abbotstone from the Pilot's Memorial at point 4Enjoy views above Abbotstone from the Pilot's Memorial at point 4 (Image: Fiona Barltrop)

4. (SU560339) On reaching a lane at the top, you’ll find a memorial (to Spitfire pilots killed in a collision above Abbotstone in 1944) with an information board on the right. It’s a fine viewpoint. Turn right and follow the lane down to Abbotstone, bearing right at the first road junction to the next. (The earthworks of the deserted medieval village can be seen if you carry on ahead uphill for a short distance)

Join the Wayfarer's Walk near Abbotstone Join the Wayfarer's Walk near Abbotstone (Image: Fiona Barltrop)

5. (SU565345) Turn left, signed for Abbotstone Farm House (part of the Grange estate. Grange Park, where opera is staged, lies to the north). Still following the Wayfarer’s Walk keep ahead at the first intersection but turn right at the next junction. Follow the track north-east to reach a path intersection just after a ruined building.

6. (SU576353) Leaving the Wayfarer’s Walk turn right along the grassy field-edge footpath gently ascending and then descending, the path becoming a farm track. Watch for a waymark post on the right (at SU585345) and turn right along the footpath beside the hedge on the left, soon going through a gap in the hedge and continuing down through the middle of the field towards Old Alresford. Keep ahead at the bottom straight on down to a road. Turn left past the village hall car park.

7. (SU587340) Cross the green on your right and the road (B3046) and turn right along a path parallel to the road but screened from it. At the road junction, cross to the church opposite to look round it. Then cross the B3046 and continue along the path beside it to a fork in the road. Bear right and continue along the footpath ahead over a stream which leads back to point 2. From there retrace steps to the start.



Start/finish: Station car park (pay & display), New Alresford (SU588325)

Map: OS Explorer OL32

Distance: 6½ miles (10.5km)

Terrain: Town roads, riverside path, downland tracks and paths, country lanes

Time: 3 hours

Refreshments: Plenty of choice in New Alresford

Public transport: Stagecoach bus 64 from Winchester to Alton via Alresford, Watercress Line from New Alresford to Alton (01962 733810),