Holly Batterbee has a love of the social side of cooking – and eating – that is reflected in her menus

Tell us a bit about yourself…

I’ve been a chef for 15 years. At 18, I started my culinary journey as a kitchen porter in a quaint restaurant called St Peters in Sandwich. It was here that I developed a passion for food and the culinary arts. I then spent time working in local restaurants, refining and expanding her skills.

I grew up in Whitstable, spending most of my childhood there before moving to Tunisia for seven years. Immersed in the coastal lifestyle I was drawn to outdoor activities, and I still relish walking and swimming in my leisure time. I have a love of foraging and using locally sourced ingredients that also reflects my love of nature.

When did you first get interested in cooking?

InTunisia, there was an abundance of ingredients and the fresh produce that was always available got me interested in cooking. I think it's how much cooking and food are part of our lives in such a big way that keeps me interested.

What is your signature dish?

Gin/vodka citrus seabass ceviche with pickled peel, blood orange, spring onions and chilli or barbecued whole seabass in spiced brown shrimp butter.

If you could cook for anyone in the world, who would it be?

David Attenborough: Sharing a meal with the renowned naturalist and documentary filmmaker would involve incorporating sustainable and ethically sourced ingredients, sparking conversations about conservation and the environment.

What do you eat at home?

Something simple and quick like a shakshuka and a nice sourdough baguette.

Which kitchen ingredient could you not do without? 

Lemon juice is my kitchen must-have. Its vibrant acidity adds a transformative touch to any dish, elevating flavours to new heights.

If you could dine at any restaurant where would it be?

Outlaw's New Road in Port Isaac.

What would you eat for your last meal?

I'd have a flat iron steak cooked medium-rare with some really spicy and garlicky king prawns, served with frites and a selection of different condiments (I always have to have a range of different condiments). To finish, gypsy tart and an affogato.

Favourite music to cook by?

Neil Young or Jeff Buckley.

What do you do to relax?

Open water swimming clears your mind after busy weeks in the kitchen.

Who is your culinary hero?

Nathan Outlaw stands as my culinary hero, his innovative approach and dedication to his craft serving as a constant source of inspiration.

Holly Batterbee, Samphire, 4 High Street, Whitstable, Kent CT5 1BQ

01227 770075

