Based in New Ash Green, the award-winning writer tells us about her career highs, the pleasures of writing and reading, and why she loves losing herself in Kent’s historic houses and haberdasheries…

Francesca, we catch you fresh from your latest success

Yes! I’m thrilled to have been awarded The Romantic Novelists’ Association Romantic Saga award for my latest book, A New Start At The Beach Hotel. It’s set in 1914 and telling the story of the life and loves of governess-turned-hotel chambermaid, Edie Moore. I hadn’t even realised that my publishing company, Hera, had nominated me, so discovering I’d won the award really was a wonderful surprise. There was a ceremony up in London, with prizes presented by Strictly’s own Anton du Beke, who’s from Kent himself, of course. And he’s a writer, so he presumably knew how the rest of us were feeling!

Has writing been your full-time career for long?

For the past ten years, yes. I initially read history at university in London, then became a teacher and couldn’t afford to live in the capital – which is when we moved to Kent. I now live in the North Downs and love it. I began by writing short stories, selling them to women’s magazines and doing pretty well. Then someone said ‘You’re a historian – how about historical novels?’, so I moved into that area. These days I’m best know for writing Sagas – historical books that come in a series. They’re definitely romantic rather than raunchy – everything stops at the bedroom door – and they feature heroines and heroes who overcome some sort of obstacle in their lives.

That sounds very uplifting – presumably you’ve got a very loyal fanbase?

I have – I get lots of positive feedback via Facebook and, these days, doing your own social media tends to be part of any writer’s role. Instagram, twitter and tiktok are all great ways to connect with readers, and I utilise all of them. I still make time to write on a daily basis, though, then I keep up with social media in the afternoons. It all helps to keep that connection going and my name out there, and I enjoy it.

And what sort of things do you like reading yourself?

Romantic fiction – that’s largely why I started writing it myself! I enjoy the work of other Saga writers, such as Anne Marie Brier and Elaine Roberts, but I also enjoy great storytelling from authors such as Lisa Jewell and Freya North. I think what’s so enjoyable about writing and reading is similar: in writing, you get to lose yourself in worlds that you create and in reading you get to lose yourself in other people’s worlds. Either way, it’s a great means of escape.

And how else do you escape in Kent?

I’ll head to one of the many places that I love here in the county. Rochester’s a favourite: the river, castle, and cathedral, its sense of history and its independent shops – it’s the sort of place where you’ll still find a good, traditional haberdasher’s. We’re spoiled with so many National Trust properties on our doorstep, too. I’m a keen if not expert gardener so of course I love Sissinghurst, and Emmetts garden near Ide Hill, with its wonderful views across the Weald. And I love visiting Ightham Mote outside and in – it’s small enough to be somewhere I could imagine living in myself.

What’s next on the cards for you?

I’m at the editing stage of my next volume in The Beach Hotel saga, so expect to see that on the bookshelves soon. More immediately, I’m off shortly to celebrate my award win with friends over tea and cake at the lovely White Finch Bakery in Meopham. I’m looking forward to a slice of coffee and walnut!

On insta: Francesca.Capaldi.Burgess

A New Start at The Beach House Hotel published in paperback by Hera at £8.99 (ISBN: 9781804361337) and is available from all good book shops.