10 things to do in the garden during July

Maintenance work

July is one of the hottest months of the year – happy days! Now is the time to really get on top of the general maintenance in your garden. Once you’ve ticked off your checklist, you can sit back, relax and enjoy its beauty at its fullest.

Make the cut

Remember to deadhead your hanging baskets, containers and bedding plants to ensure repeat flowering, while keeping the blooms looking fresh.

Thorny problem 

Before your roses come into flower, it is essential to keep an eye out for any green fly, white fly and black spot. Remove them as you see them or spray with soapy water. This will help to maintain healthy growth throughout the year.

Green fuel

Now is the last chance to apply a liquid summer feed to your lawn. This is advised, especially if it was missed in spring. You can find a variety of lawn fertilisers in your local garden centre. Lawns will also need mowing once a week to keep on top of the fast summer growth.

Water works

Be sure to water your plants regularly, especially those that are newly planted, and hoe off the weeds which will thrive in the sunshine.

Get fruity

If you like blackberries and don’t have a big space, why not grow them in a hanging basket or container? Varieties best suited to smaller places include ‘Black Cascade’. Blueberries also work in containers. ‘Lucky Berry’ is a self-fertile dwarf variety that’s ideal for pots. In four months you will be harvesting fresh berries.

Dig in

Second early potatoes should be ready so it’s time to harvest your lovely spuds. Also known as new potatoes, these will be delicious served buttered with fresh mint.

Create a herb garden for instant flavour. Create a herb garden for instant flavour.

Herb garden 

It’s easy to create your own herb planter ready for summer barbecues. Rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano and tarragon will definitely enhance the flavours of your grill. Plant in a container, add horticultural grit at the base for drainage, add multi-purpose peat free compost and keep well-watered.

Bumper crop

Tomato plants will definitely benefit from a weekly liquid feed right now. The same goes for cucumbers if you are growing them in your greenhouse.

Perfect pruning

Now is the time to prune your wisteria. You should cut back the long, whippy growths so you end up with five or six leaves on each. This encourages it to form flower buds rather than green growth so you’ll be rewarded with a good crop of lilac loveliness next year.

 Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight'.Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight'.

Plant of the month: Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’

This medium-sized shrub has large, lime green flower heads that bloom from mid-June and can last until September or October, during which time the bracts gradually turn cream with a hint of pink. A stunning addition to any garden and especially suited to sunny borders or woodland planting, they look very impressive when group planted and will also grow well in a large container.