Celebrate British Tomato Fortnight with these flavour-filled tomato-rich dishes


Red wine and tomato pasta with burrata recipe

This impressive but easy pasta dish uses fresh and canned tomatoes for a rich and satisfying taste.

Serves 2


150g Napolina spaghetti

400g Napolina chopped tomatoes

1tbsp Napolina olive oil

1tsp honey

150ml red wine (preferably dry)

2 burrata

200g cherry tomatoes or baby plum tomatoes, plus more for serving

½tsp chilli flakes, plus more for garnish

1tsp Italian mixed herbs

2 garlic cloves, crushed

1tsp salt, plus more for seasoning pasta water

1tsp ground black pepper

35g parmesan cheese, grated

Bunch of fresh basil leaves


Bring a saucepan of water to the boil and add a pinch of salt to season the water.

Add the olive oil and crushed garlic into a saucepan on medium heat, and cook for 2 minutes until fragrant.

Add the red wine to deglaze the pan then add the chopped tomatoes, salt, mixed herbs, chili flakes, cherry tomatoes and honey, mix well then simmer for 10 mins until the tomatoes have softened.

Place the spaghetti into the salted boiling water and boil on a high heat for 10 mins until al dente then drain, reserving a small ladle of pasta water.

Add the spaghetti to the sauce along with the ladle of pasta water and parmesan and mix well.

Spoon out the spaghetti into two serving bowls and place a burrata on top of each bowl.

Garnish with fresh with black pepper, a sprinkle of chili flakes, fresh torn basil and a scatter of fresh cherry tomatoes and serve.

Recipe courtesy of napolina.com


Great British Life: Tomato and nectarine fattoush. Tomato and nectarine fattoush. (Image: Georgia Levy)

British Tomato and nectarine fattoush recipe

This glorious Lebanese salad is a riot of colour and texture – and you can substitute any of the fruit and veggies for whatever you have in the fridge.

Serves 4.


2 large pita bread or other flatbread, opened up like a book

3tbsp olive oil

1 nectarine, not-too ripe, de-stoned and chopped

1 cucumber, deseeded and chopped

100g radishes, chopped

350g ripe British baby tomatoes, mix of colours, halved

A large handful each of parsley and mint leaves, roughly chopped

3 spring onions, finely sliced

1tbsp sumac (or extra lemon)

Juice of ½ lemon


Preheat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.

Lay out the pita textured side-up on a small tray and brush both sides in a tablespoon of oil.

Season lightly and place in the oven for 7-10 minutes until crisp and light golden.

Remove and leave to cool before placing everything except the oil and lemon in a big salad bowl.

Break in the crisp pita, season well, then throw in the sumac, squeeze in the lemon and drizzle over the olive oil.

Toss everything well with your hands then taste and adjust the seasoning.

Recipe courtesy of britishtomatoes.co.uk


Great British Life: Oven-roasted tomato salad. Oven-roasted tomato salad. (Image: Georgia Levy)

Oven-roasted British tomato salad recipe

This makes for the perfect side dish for your main course, or as a light meal in its own right.

Serves 4.


500g British baby tomatoes

4 garlic cloves, peeled

A few sprigs of thyme

A few sprigs of rosemary

4tbsp olive oil, plus extra to drizzle

500g British asparagus, tough ends discarded

4tbsp pitted black olives,

160g watercress

Juice of ½ lemon

1tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

Mozzarella, to serve


Place the tomatoes on a large baking tray, making sure there’s plenty of space for the asparagus later and prick each one with the tip of your knife.

Use the side of the knife to gently flatten the garlic, then throw into the tray with the herbs and 3tbsps of oil.

Season lightly and toss everything with your hands.

Place in the middle of the oven and preheat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Leave in the oven until your oven reaches temperature (you want them in there for at least 15-20 minutes).

Meanwhile, coat the asparagus in the remaining tablespoon of oil and put to one side.

Remove the tomatoes from the oven, gently press them down with a potato masher or big spoon to release some of their juices.

Sit the asparagus on top of the tomatoes and scatter around the olives. Return to the hot oven for another 12-15 minutes until the asparagus is just coloured and tender.

Meanwhile, lightly dress the watercress with the extra-virgin olive oil, a small squeeze of lemon and some seasoning. Toss and spread out on a platter.

Remove the tomatoes and asparagus, and spoon everything over the leaves.

Drizzle over any pan juices (this should dress the salad a bit more) and serve immediately with mozzarella and fresh bread.

Recipe courtesy of britishtomatoes.co.uk