May is here - an amazing month at RSPB Ham Wall and the perfect time to explore and listen or sight a vast array of birdlife. Migrating birds are pouring into the reserve from far and wide and there’s always the anticipation of something more unusual arriving on our doorstep – it’s all very exciting.

The reserve really comes to life, as a whole host of wildlife clamours for the best nesting and feeding spots and everything becomes very territorial. Perhaps the most obvious territorial behaviour is the birdsong. The air is filled with a variety of songs and calls as birds try desperately to attract a mate and fend off competition. Many of these sounds will be familiar to you from your own gardens or local neighbourhoods. In the woodlands and tree lines you’ll hear the songs of Blackbird, Robin, tits and finches, now joined by the throngs of arriving warblers, such as Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler and Whitethroat.

Great British Life: Keep an eye out for the Willow Warbler on your visit to the RSPB reserve of Ham Wall. Keep an eye out for the Willow Warbler on your visit to the RSPB reserve of Ham Wall. (Image: Mike Pearce)

The reedbeds fill with the chattering of Reed Warblers and Sedge Warblers which join the resident Reed Buntings and the Cettis Warblers with their loud and punchy calls. Above the reedbeds, look out for the groups of arriving Swallows, Sand Martins, House Martins and Swifts. The local nature reserves are huge feeding stations for these birds, offering them a chance to gorge on the abundant insect life, after a long journey from sub-Saharan regions. Birds of prey such as the Hobby will often follow these flocks, hoping to pick off any weaker individuals. The greater influx of Hobbies, tends to come in early May, coinciding with the emergence of the large dragonfly populations, particularly the Four Sotted Chaser Dragonfly which emerge in their thousands.

READ MORE: Marching to the sound of bird song at RSPB Ham Wall Nature Reserve