Roll out the red carpet, Dame Prue Leith is in South Somerset visiting a fashion studio which turns out to be a golden opportunity for us all

There’s a certain vibrancy to our Somerset countryside isn’t there? As you drive through our sleepy hedge lined lanes, you pass glorious golden hamstone cottages, rolling fields of yellow rapeseed, flourishing floral displays in well-tended gardens and that unmistakable lush green grass of farmer’s fields. A summer in Somerset is so uplifting for the soul and, so too it turns out is a visit to the colourful headquarters of Kettlewell, just outside Cricket St Thomas.

The Kettlewell Colour Studio located in Cricket St Thomas helps customers to discover their colour profile. The Kettlewell Colour Studio located in Cricket St Thomas helps customers to discover their colour profile. (Image: Jake Ball)

It's an exciting day at the clothing studio, which has made quite the name for itself over the past 20 years, because not only are Kettlewell launching their new collection, but they also have none other than Dame Prue Leith in the house. Renowned for her colourful outfits, glasses and jewellery, Prue has graced our screens on Great British Bake Off and more recently, Prue Leith’s Cotswold Kitchen, and it materialises that many of her striking outfits are styled by Somerset’s very own Kettlewell.

After a delicious home-made lunch made with locally sourced produce, Prue invites me to sit beside her on a saffron yellow sofa for a pre-photoshoot chat. ‘My partnership with Kettlewell happened after I kept noticing that my stylist was regularly dressing me in their clothes. As you can see, I love colour and the reason why I’m now creating a Prue Edit with Kettlewell is because they understand colour better than anyone else. Their deep saturated colours almost make you feel as though you could get drunk on all of the different shades! Kettlewell are obsessed with colour, and I am obsessed with colour so it’s a natural partnership - plus the clothes are designed really well and they are made from the best materials.’

Melissa Nicholson and Dame Prue Leith have created a Prue Edit.Melissa Nicholson and Dame Prue Leith have created a Prue Edit. (Image: Jake Ball)

Kettlewell began in 2004 after founder Melissa Nicholson was sitting at her kitchen table with her husband, John contemplating the direction of their lives. The couple had been living in London for 18 years and were starting to feel the pull of their West Country roots tug them away from city life. Melissa has always worked in the fashion industry, ‘but I was completely lacking in confidence – I always opted to dress top to toe in black. I was the one to stand back and observe – until the day I had my colours done.’ And it was then, cup of tea in hand, discussing how they could make a move to Somerset happen, that Melissa said the life-changing words, ‘Let’s start a t-shirt business!’. ‘I just knew that the feeling of wearing colours made me look better, as well as crucially, making me feel better. And so, we began Kettlewell. We started small with six t-shirt styles in 10 colours, and before I knew it, customers were asking me how to style their particular choice of t-shirt. That’s when we introduced accessories…and now of course we offer clients an entire wardrobe of clothing in over 300 colours.’

Melissa explains how ‘having one’s colours done’ is a journey of discovery. ‘There is so much to learn on so many levels. People associate different emotions with different colours or have connections to the past with certain colours. In fact, music and colour are very similar. When you play the piano well it sounds harmonious but when you hit the wrong note it can be jarring. It’s the same with colour. By wearing the right colours for you – you become authentic. Finding your colours doesn’t mean you have to wear the full rainbow either; neutrals are just as important as brights. There are tones which suit certain people and at Kettlewell we sell just as many neutrals as we do brights. On a personal note, colours have turned me from a person who was so shy into someone who can now stand up confidently in a meeting. I know who I am and the colours I wear help me to project that.’

Prue draws my attention to a clothes rack which is displaying about 40 different hues of the ‘everyday cotton tee’, ‘Just take a look at all the variations there – brightly coloured clothes have come into their own now. And remember, there are so many more colours than black! There are unfortunately so many women who feel that they simply wouldn’t dare to wear colour. They want to – but they are scared. My advice is to perhaps start with a coloured stripe Breton with a jacket. Nothing too advanced. Or just add a splash of red with your black – that really can be so elegant. A red necklace, or a red and black scarf with a black outfit – you can ease your way into colour.’

Prue tells me how her wardrobe is akin to the layout in the Kettlewell HQ, ‘I choose my outfit for the day by how I’m feeling. I perhaps begin by being drawn to a yellow or a red top, and then build what I’m wearing around it. I’m neurotically organised – all of my necklaces are hanging up; my shoes are on shelves – I simply choose my outfit as if I am shopping. And the beautiful thing is that my husband, John encourages me.’ Prue laughs as she re-tales the story of her and John’s first date, ‘When he asked me out, I toned myself down for the evening – I wore a white silk shirt, tan jacket and gold necklaces – I thought I looked so elegant! He turned to me and said, ‘What are you wearing? I fell for you in your orange jumper!’ As a [retired] fashion designer, he just loves colour. He always encourages me to embrace it; when we were married in 2016, I wore a long red dress. Some people think you shouldn’t wear colour as you get older but I’m glad to see that there is so much colour out there now, whatever your age.’

'My advice is to start with a coloured striped Breton with a jacket''My advice is to start with a coloured striped Breton with a jacket' (Image: Jake Ball)

And what about those of us who tend to embrace the more traditional colours of the countryside, the greens and browns of a tweed hacking jacket for example? Prue says, ‘That really can be so elegant but for me, I’m in my 80’s now and whilst some people think you have to behave as you get older, I’m just glad to say that you can still embrace all the colours!’ Melissa agrees, ‘Yes, my Mother-in-law is the true country lady and used to always embrace her tweeds, but after having her colours done she looked so alive. It was a dramatic shift, and her friends were all remarking on how she looked 10 years younger!’

As you look around the Kettlewell HQ, you can’t help but reassess your own wardrobe choices. ‘People often come to us when they reach a crossroads in their life or are facing a life change.’ says Melissa, ‘I often refer to the Four M’s – Marriage, Maternity, Menopause and Maturity. Women’s body shapes change throughout their life, and you can see a trip here as an opportunity to help you re-set. We can help redirect you for the next phase of your life.’ Kettlewell have also devised a clever online colour quiz to help their customers discover their colour profile meaning that you can even start tuning in to your palette ahead of an in-person colour analysis. ‘Then on the day, our stylists will ask you about your lifestyle and ask you how you feel in different colours and then we’ll help you build a wardrobe. Our clients leave here with a confidence they previously didn’t have and then they receive compliments - and that’s addictive! Wearing the best colours for you can be transformative and it’s a secret that I don’t want to keep to myself!’

'Having one's colours done is a journey of discovery''Having one's colours done is a journey of discovery' (Image: Jake Ball)

Embrace colour with Kettlewell

The Kettlewell Colour Studio offers colour analysis appointments so you too can ‘have your colours done’. Your in-person colour session at the studio near Cricket St Thomas offers you one-to-one time with a stylist where your palette and unique set of colours will be defined.

Ketllewell are kindly offering Somerset Life readers 15% off their full collection (expires 12/08/24) and free UK delivery. Simply enter the code at checkout: SLCOLOUR